With the increasing demand for high-bandwidth capacity and low-cost networks, education and research institutions require multiple buildings to be connected over long distances through OTN networks. Our customer Murrieta Valley Joint School is looking for a solution to build a 10G network with a transmission distance of more than 120km between the campus and the office through dark fiber.
The program uses 16CH DWDM dual-fiber wavelength division multiplexer, set up in the park and office, to achieve 127.6km two-way transmission, and no additional optical fiber.
The fiber amplifier is used to enhance the network signal to ensure that the signal remains the best in ultra-long-distance transmission. Two OBA power amplifiers are used to increase the output optical power, and two OPA preamplifiers are used to increase the optical power of the receiving end.
Use DCM dispersion compensator for dispersion compensation and improve system performance.
In addition, an optical fiber attenuator needs to be used to adjust the optical power of the receiving end of the optical module to prevent excessive optical power from burning the optical module.